text - software art related > history of software art twelve projects in this subcategory
Mise en Abyme in Software Art: a Comment to Florian Cramer by Troels Degn Johansson Author: This text applies the concept of mise en abyme in order to analyse software art’s exploration of representational problems in the computer medium. According to comparative literature, the use of the literary trope of mise en abyme (the “staging of an abyss” cf. André Gide’s pun on the French expressions mise en scène, staging; and the word abyme, abyss) has, in experimental [...]
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Software Art Panel Transcript Feb. 2003 by ... It's a transcript of the 3 hours long panel discussion on software art between Amy Alexander, Florian Cramer, Olga Goriunova, Alex McLean, Antoine Schmitt, Inke Arns, Pit Schultz, Sally Jane Norman, Adrian Ward, Dragan Miletic, and many others.
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Read_Me 1.2 Jury Statement by Amy Alexander, Cue P. Doll, Florian Cramer, RTMark, Alexei Shulgin.
Read_me 1.2 jury statement from spring 2002 is an important text on software art, giving some definitions, featuring works, and making some sense out of the field.
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QuickView on Software Art by interview with runme.org experts 2003 Amy Alexander, Florian Cramer, Matthew Fuller, Thomax Kaulmann, Alex McLean, Pit Schultz, and The Yes Men, interviewed by Olga Goriunova and Alexei Shulgin.
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Artistic Software for Dummies and, by the way, Thoughts About the New World Order. by Olga Goriunova, Alexei Shulgin This is an introductory text for Read_Me 1.2 catalogue. Written in a very simple manner, it aims at linking software art with the history of arts from the ancient times to contemporaneity and shows that software art has a potential to save the world.
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Concepts. Notations. Software. Art. by Florian Cramer An article from 2002, where Florian Cramer gives one of the first working and steady definitions of software art.
Text traces the connection btw software art and concept art.
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Software Art by Florian Cramer and Ulrike Gabriel "What is software art? How can "software" be generally defined? We had to answer these questions at least provisionally when we were asked to be with the artist-programmer John Simon jr. in the jury of the "artistic software" award for the transmediale.01 art festival in Berlin, Germany."
One of the first critical texts on software art.
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Useless Utilities by saul A text about software art written in 2000.
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The House That Jack Built: Jack Burnham's Concept of "Software" as a Metaphor for Art by Edward A. Shanken Abstract:
This paper identifies and analyzes the convergence of computers, experimental art practice, and structuralist theory in Jack Burnham's Software exhibition at the Jewish Museum. In contrast to the numerous art and technology exhibitions which took place between 1966-1972, and which focused on the aesthetic applications of technological apparatus, Software was predicated on theÝidea of [...]
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Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents... by Inke Arns Full Title: Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents: or It's the Performativity of Code, Stupid!
In the past two or so years the term generative art has become fashionable. It can be found in very different contexts, such as academic discourses, media art festivals, industrial design and architecture. [...]
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A Re-Declaration of Dependence - Software Art in a Cultural Context It Can't Get out of by Jacob Lillemose Author: The coining of the term ”software art” followed by festivals like Read_Me has opened up a wide range of discussions about the aesthetics of software art and its position within the field of contemporary art. The discussions tends to be divided between those who argue for an aesthetics that focuses on the formal and expressive qualities of software art and those who turn towards an [...]
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System Stories and Model Worlds by Mitchell Whitelaw Full title: System Stories and Model Worlds: A Critical Approach To Generative Art
This text was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
" [...]
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